Base Color Palette
The dashboard will synergize with the colour selection made by the user and appropriately amend. Similarly, all other elements will sync according to the base colours.
Color Palette
This color palette comprises primary and accent colors that can be
used for illustration or to develop your brand colors.
They've been designed to work harmoniously with each other.
The color palette starts with primary colors and fills in the spectrum
to create a complete and usable palette for web
project. We suggests using the 500 colors as the primary colors
in your project and the other colors as accents colors.
- 800 / #e62020
- 700 / #f2353c
- 600 / #ff4c52
- 500 / #ff666b
- 400 / #ff8589
- 300 / #ffbfc1
- 200 / #ffbfc1
- 100 / #ffdbdc
- 800 / #e6155e
- 700 / #eb2f71
- 600 / #f74584
- 500 / #ff5e97
- 400 / #ff7daa
- 300 / #ff9ec0
- 200 / #ffbad2
- 100 / #ffd9e6
- 800 / #7231f5
- 700 / #8349f5
- 600 / #9463f7
- 500 / #a57afa
- 400 / #b693fa
- 300 / #c8aefc
- 200 / #d9c7fc
- 100 / #eae1fc
- 800 / #364ff5
- 700 / #4d64fa
- 600 / #667afa
- 500 / #7d8efa
- 400 / #96a3fa
- 300 / #afb9fa
- 200 / #c7cffc
- 100 / #e1e4fc
- 800 / #0b69e3
- 700 / #247cf0
- 600 / #3e8ef7
- 500 / #589ffc
- 400 / #79b2fc
- 300 / #99c5ff
- 200 / #b8d7ff
- 100 / #d9e9ff
- 800 / #007d96
- 700 / #0099b8
- 600 / #0bb2d4
- 500 / #28c0de
- 400 / #54cbe3
- 300 / #77d9ed
- 200 / #9de6f5
- 100 / #c2f5ff
- 800 / #008577
- 700 / #089e8f
- 600 / #17b3a3
- 500 / #28c7b7
- 400 / #45d6c8
- 300 / #6be3d7
- 200 / #92f0e6
- 100 / #c3f7f2
- 800 / #008c4d
- 700 / #05a85c
- 600 / #11c26d
- 500 / #28d17c
- 400 / #49de94
- 300 / #72e8ab
- 200 / #99f2c2
- 100 / #c2fadc
- 800 / #4a7800
- 700 / #5a9101
- 600 / #6da611
- 500 / #7eb524
- 400 / #94cc39
- 300 / #add966
- 200 / #c3e887
- 100 / #dcf7b0
- 800 / #faa700
- 700 / #fcb900
- 600 / #ffcd17
- 500 / #ffdc2e
- 400 / #ffe54f
- 300 / #ffed78
- 200 / #fff39c
- 100 / #fff6b5
- 800 / #b53f00
- 700 / #de4e00
- 600 / #eb6709
- 500 / #f57d1b
- 400 / #fa983c
- 300 / #fab06b
- 200 / #ffc894
- 100 / #ffe1c4
- 800 / #6b534c
- 700 / #82675f
- 600 / #997b71
- 500 / #ab8c82
- 400 / #bda299
- 300 / #cfb8b0
- 200 / #e0cdc5
- 100 / #f5e2da
- 800 / #424242
- 700 / #616161
- 600 / #757575
- 500 / #9e9e9e
- 400 / #bdbdbd
- 300 / #e0e0e0
- 200 / #eeeeee
- 100 / #fafafa
- 800 / #263238
- 700 / #37474f
- 600 / #526069
- 500 / #76838f
- 400 / #a3afb7
- 300 / #ccd5db
- 200 / #e4eaec
- 100 / #f3f7f9
Color Application
Choose Your Palette
Limit your selection of colors by choosing three color hues from the primary palette and one accent color from the secondary palette. The accent may or may not need fallback options.
Active color
#247cf0Base color
#3e8ef7Hover color
#589ffcBackground opt.
#d9e9ffActive color
#f2353cBase color
#ff4c52Hover color
#ff666bBackground opt.
#ffdbdcText Color
To convey a hierarchy of information, you can use different shades for text. The standard content text color is #79838B.
Title color
#37474fSubtitle color
#526069Text color
#76838fPrompt color
#a3afb7Use Alpha For Icons, And Dividers
Icons and dividers, also benefit from having an alpha value of black instead of a solid color, to make sure the color below.
Normal: 40%
Hover: 60%
Active: 100%
Normal: 60%
Hover: 80%
Active: 100%
Border Color
Border color should use the primary #E6E8EA color, which should be the main color of your project.
Border color