
Badges Default

Add any of the default mentioned modifier classes to change the appearance of a badge.

Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger Dark

badges Round

Round badges can used in taxonomies to provide an ad-hoc, user-generated scheme for classification. Add .badge-round to change its shape.

Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger Dark

badges Outline

The badge can have outline style and different border color options. Add .badge-outline to change its border style.

Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger Dark

badges Sizes

Various badge sizes for common scenarios, from default size to large/small size, you can add additional class .badge-lg or .badge-sm.

Large Default Small

badges In Header

They show the information in combination with other visual heading elements by adding <span class=”badge badge-primary”>.

h1. Bootstrap heading New

h2. Heading New

h3. Heading New

h4. Heading New

h5. Heading New
h6. Heading New


badge-pills Default

Wrap one of the seven contextual classes ( e.g. .badge-success ) for basic .badge .badge-pill class. Choose from success, info, warning, etc.

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17

badge-pills Sizes

Various badge-pills sizes for common scenarios, from default size to large/small size, you can add additional class .badge-lg or .badge-sm.

Large Default Small

badge-pills In Button

Easily highlight new or unread items by adding a <span class="badge badge-pill"> to button div.

Absolute Positioning

They’re commonly found in email cilents like or on mobile apps for push notifications. Highligh unread items by adding .badge, .badge-pill, .up, .badge-warning class in <span> mark

5 3 3 3

Status badge-pills

You can use this examples to create status indicator badge-pills with <div class="avatar-online”> for profile images or similar elements.


badge-pills In Nav

Built-in styles are included for placing badge-pills in active states in pill navigations. Highlight unread items by adding a <span class="badge badge-pill"> to tab div.